0.57.0: Edit Scopes introduction

Gaffer introduced Edit Scopes. They are fundamental in our endeavours to make Gaffer more user friendly for everyday tasks. They provide a container for node graph edits made by interactive tools in the UI. In this post, we take a quick look at how they work.

Check out the video above to see them in action then read on for more details.

Continue reading “0.57.0: Edit Scopes introduction”

0.56 series: New features recap

As adoption of Gaffer 0.56 or later is contingent on moving to Arnold 6, we appreciate it may take a little longer to switch production shows over. People may also move directly to the the upcoming release of 0.57.

This post contains a quick recap of the main artist-facing changes in the 0.56 series for those moving up more recently.

Continue reading “0.56 series: New features recap”

Labelled menu dividers

From onwards, you can now label menu dividers. You can see an examples of this in the Editor Focus menu, which has both a title (in black) and two labelled dividers (dark grey).

To create these, simply add a label to your item when setting "divider" : True:

menu.append( "/Follow Divider",
  { "divider" : True, "label" : "Follow" }