Context Variable cheat sheet

Contexts are an essential part of Gaffer. We’re working on some more structured documentation about them. In the mean time, here is a list of common Context Variables set by Gaffer as part of the compute process. Amongst other things, they can be used in expressions or via ${variables} in string plug values.

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0.56.0: New set expression operators

Gaffer allows scene locations to be organised into sets, and then uses a simple expression language to combine sets for use in light linking, shader assignments and the like. In this short post we’ll discuss a historical limitation of set expressions and present some useful improvements made in Gaffer

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What’s cooking? : Spreadsheet node

A common pattern that arises in production is the “shot-specific branch switcher”, typically using a Switch or NameSwitch node to choose the right branch for the current shot. In the fictitious example below, this pattern is employed to select the right render settings per shot, with an ArnoldOptions and StandardOptions node on each branch.

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Labelled menu dividers

From onwards, you can now label menu dividers. You can see an examples of this in the Editor Focus menu, which has both a title (in black) and two labelled dividers (dark grey).

To create these, simply add a label to your item when setting "divider" : True:

menu.append( "/Follow Divider",
  { "divider" : True, "label" : "Follow" }

G4P – part 6 – Node defaults

For this instalment in our ground-up series about integrating Gaffer into a pipeline, we cover how to change node defaults.

All Gaffer nodes have plugs, whether they are visible in the Graph Editor for easy connection, or in the Node Editor as settings. These plugs have default values defined by the node’s programming. It may be the case however, that these defaults aren’t the most useful values for your use. To help with this, Gaffer allows you to provide your own, “user” defaults.

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