0.57.0: Edit Scopes introduction

Gaffer introduced Edit Scopes. They are fundamental in our endeavours to make Gaffer more user friendly for everyday tasks. They provide a container for node graph edits made by interactive tools in the UI. In this post, we take a quick look at how they work.

Check out the video above to see them in action then read on for more details.

Continue reading “0.57.0: Edit Scopes introduction”

0.56 series: New features recap

As adoption of Gaffer 0.56 or later is contingent on moving to Arnold 6, we appreciate it may take a little longer to switch production shows over. People may also move directly to the the upcoming release of 0.57.

This post contains a quick recap of the main artist-facing changes in the 0.56 series for those moving up more recently.

Continue reading “0.56 series: New features recap”

Automatic Connections to New Nodes

When creating Switch, Group, or Parent nodes in the Graph Editor, Gaffer will automatically connect your current selection to the new node. Sometimes, though, you will end up with an array of connections that are all out-of-order and crossed-up. Fortunately, there is a simple trick you can use to guarantee the correct order.

Continue reading “Automatic Connections to New Nodes”