Clipping planes

Like other DCCs, Gaffer uses clipping planes in its viewport (the Viewer) for selective rendering. The clipping planes can be set to confine the current view to a selection of scene locations.

Demonstration of the clipping planes

To set the clipping plane to enclose one or more locations:

  1. Select the location(s):
    • In the Graph Editor, select one or more locations, or
    • In the Viewer, select one or more locations’ objects.
  2. Right-click inside the Viewer.
  3. Select Clipping Planes > Fit to Selection.

Tip: After the location(s) are selected, you can also hover the cursor over the Viewer and hit Control + K.

To reset the clipping planes back to default:

  1. Right-click inside the Viewer.
  2. Select Clipping Planes > Default.

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